App Classe

Classe principale de l'application.
Pour plus d'informations sur les classes de l'application, veuillez consulter les espace de noms suivants :


Espace de nom: Mediatek86
Assembly: Mediatek86 (in Mediatek86.exe) Version: 1.0.0+385b7dbc3a0af9bd7357d6111ce58d796c78aada
XMLNS pour XAML: Nom mappé à un xmlns.
public class App : Application
Object    DispatcherObject    Application    App


AppInitialise une nouvelle instance de la classe App.


DispatcherGets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Hérité de DispatcherObject)
MainWindowGets or sets the main window of the application.
(Hérité de Application)
PropertiesGets a collection of application-scope properties.
(Hérité de Application)
ResourcesGets or sets a collection of application-scope resources, such as styles and brushes.
(Hérité de Application)
ShutdownModeGets or sets the condition that causes the Shutdown method to be called.
(Hérité de Application)
StartupUriGets or sets a UI that is automatically shown when an application starts.
(Hérité de Application)
WindowsGets the instantiated windows in an application.
(Hérité de Application)


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Hérité de Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Hérité de Object)
FindResourceSearches for a user interface (UI) resource, such as a Style or Brush, with the specified key, and throws an exception if the requested resource is not found (see XAML Resources).
(Hérité de Application)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Hérité de Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Hérité de Object)
Main Application Entry Point.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Hérité de Object)
OnActivatedRaises the Activated event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnDeactivatedRaises the Deactivated event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnExitRaises the Exit event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnFragmentNavigationRaises the FragmentNavigation event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnLoadCompletedRaises the LoadCompleted event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnNavigatedRaises the Navigated event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnNavigatingRaises the Navigating event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnNavigationFailedRaises the NavigationFailed event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnNavigationProgressRaises the NavigationProgress event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnNavigationStoppedRaises the NavigationStopped event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnSessionEndingRaises the SessionEnding event.
(Hérité de Application)
OnStartup Méthode appelée au démarrage de l'application Avant d'afficher la fenêtre principale on vérifie que l'application peut se connecter à la base de données Si la connexion échoue, on affiche un message d'erreur et on ferme l'application Ensuite on affiche la fenêtre de connexion Si l'utilisateur se connecte avec succès, on affiche la fenêtre principale
(Overrides ApplicationOnStartup(StartupEventArgs))
RunStarts a Windows Presentation Foundation application.
(Hérité de Application)
Run(Window)Starts a Windows Presentation Foundation application and opens the specified window.
(Hérité de Application)
ShutdownShuts down an application.
(Hérité de Application)
Shutdown(Int32)Shuts down an application that returns the specified exit code to the operating system.
(Hérité de Application)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Hérité de Object)
TryFindResourceSearches for the specified resource.
(Hérité de Application)


ActivatedOccurs when an application becomes the foreground application.
(Hérité de Application)
DeactivatedOccurs when an application stops being the foreground application.
(Hérité de Application)
DispatcherUnhandledExceptionOccurs when an exception is thrown by an application but not handled.
(Hérité de Application)
ExitOccurs just before an application shuts down and cannot be canceled.
(Hérité de Application)
FragmentNavigationOccurs when a navigator in the application begins navigation to a content fragment, Navigation occurs immediately if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded if the desired fragment is in different content.
(Hérité de Application)
LoadCompletedOccurs when content that was navigated to by a navigator in the application has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
(Hérité de Application)
NavigatedOccurs when the content that is being navigated to by a navigator in the application has been found, although it may not have completed loading.
(Hérité de Application)
NavigatingOccurs when a new navigation is requested by a navigator in the application.
(Hérité de Application)
NavigationFailedOccurs when an error occurs while a navigator in the application is navigating to the requested content.
(Hérité de Application)
NavigationProgressOccurs periodically during a download that is being managed by a navigator in the application to provide navigation progress information.
(Hérité de Application)
NavigationStoppedOccurs when the StopLoading method of a navigator in the application is called, or when a new navigation is requested by a navigator while a current navigation is in progress.
(Hérité de Application)
SessionEndingOccurs when the user ends the Windows session by logging off or shutting down the operating system.
(Hérité de Application)
StartupOccurs when the Run method of the Application object is called.
(Hérité de Application)

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